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The Battlefield - (Das Schlachtfeld)

Ist ein rockiger, hämmernder Antikriegssong. Er erzählt von jemand, der sich als Soldat freiwillig für den Kriegseinsatz meldet. In ständiger Todesangst erlebt er das Grauen der Schlacht und wird selbst tödlich getroffen, weil er nicht auf sein Gegenüber schiessen kann - der selbst aber kaltblütig genug ist und abdrückt. In seinen letzten Sekunden fühlt er keinen Schmerz mehr und hört, wie ein Vogel eine wunderschöne Melodie singt. Der Refrain "Warum hast Du teilgenommen?" (Why did you join?") geht wirklich unter die Haut ….

Je chantais: "La la la ...",
a soldier fully armed and marching in the night.
The sun no longer shining, the birds had stopped to sing,
remembered at that moment: You shall love your enemies.

Dreaming still of justice or what I thought it means,
in line with all those heroes for a nation's idleness.
My heart without emotions I thought I had no fear.
Oh God, those clouds of evil, and the battlefield burns.

In the early morning rain the atrocity began:
The whole earth was exploding, and oceans of blood changed
the trembling ground into red,
hearing the wounded's endless cries for mercy and release.

Why did you, why did you it? Why did you join?

Je chantais: "La la la",
through an awful wall of fire I faced my enemy.
I looked into his eyes, but, oh God! I couldn't shoot.
His blood was so much colder, that's why his trigger moved.

I smiled at him, my eyes, they didn't lie.
But he bowed his head in shame, my soul was crying: "Why?",
when the bullet found me. Pourquoi, warum?
Oh God, those clouds of evil, and the battlefield burns.


My eyes were full of tears, but I didn't feel the pain.
I felt someone caressed me, and the birds began to sing a dreamlike melody.
And the sun began to shine again for the last time for me.

Why did you, why did you it? Why did you join?